Platform Analytics

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Ana Jovanovic

You have access to business analytics trough BauBau App

BauBau's Dispatcher platform provides valuable analytics tools for dispatcher managers to help them better understand and optimize their business. Here are some of the features that are available to them:

Analytics for platform earnings: The dispatcher manager can easily access a detailed breakdown of their platform earnings, including information about each transaction, the commission earned, and any associated fees. This information can be used to track revenue over time and identify trends in customer demand.

Analytics for agent earnings: The platform also provides analytics for agent earnings, allowing the dispatcher manager to monitor individual agent performance and identify areas for improvement. The analytics screen includes information about each agent's total earnings, commission percentage, and the number of completed orders.

Analytics for orders: The orders analytics screen provides detailed information about all orders placed on the platform. This includes data such as the date and time of the order, the customer who placed it, and the agent who completed it. This information can be used to identify trends in customer demand and optimize dispatcher scheduling.

Analytics for agents: The dispatcher manager can access detailed analytics about each agent on the platform. This includes data such as the number of orders completed, total earnings, and average rating. This information can be used to identify top-performing agents and provide additional support to those who may be struggling.

Earning and orders graphs: The analytics screen includes easy-to-read graphs that provide an at-a-glance view of platform earnings and orders. These graphs can be filtered by date range, allowing the dispatcher manager to identify trends over time and make data-driven decisions about their business.

Agent and customer list: On the analytics screen, the dispatcher manager can also view a list of all registered agents and customers. This information can be used to monitor agent and customer growth over time and identify areas for targeted marketing efforts.

In conclusion, the analytics tools available on the BauBau Platform provide valuable insights into the performance of a dispatcher's business. By leveraging these tools, dispatcher managers can optimize their operations, improve agent performance, and ultimately increase their revenue.

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